Turkmenistan's Problem

14 May 2021

The problem with Turkmenistan is that Turkmen is a sleepy nation.

Sleepy nations have zero interest in politics, in god. They are interested in their comfortable life. As Turkmens like to say, the most important thing is your health.


Sleepy nations are also self-centered, without any compassion for other people. As such, cooperation for common benefit is weird for them. Why would they talk to each other for a common benefit if talking to others is not resulting because others won’t do the same?

Moreover, sleepy people can’t trust others. They only expect some terrible behavior from them.


As such, the Turkmen value only their health and their family. Turkmen can sacrifice their political freedom in exchange for a wealthy life with one car and one good house. That’s what the current government in Turkmenistan promises. Turkmens don’t care how others view the head of state; just that he made them reach is enough for them.


Many Turkmen say it occurred only in the last 30 years, and they like to blame the President. Others say it happened in Soviet times. However, they both are wrong. Turkmen were sleepy throughout all of its history.


The reason why Turkmens founded empires was not because of Islam or because Turkmens had to. It’s because of Oghuzes who used Turkmens for it. Turkmen's political raids on Alaman were not because they were warriors but because of the desert pushing Turkmen for water pastures.

Once Turkmen have solved the water resources, they will be a silent nation again that won’t interact about anything with other people.


And finally, sleepy nations are blind to the knowledge. They can’t see the hidden values, so they can’t appreciate the education. And without education, you can’t control your life. He will always be dependent on other people who know him.


So, why should we awaken Turkmens? Why should we make it our goal? First, we need to understand human nature because it has become apparent. 


Human nature?