So called Armenian Genocide

20 May 2021

There is no proof that the Turkish government ordered a systematic extermination of some group of people based on nationality or religion.


All the sources claiming that there was an order are nonprovable; only someone heard that Enver Pasha did it in private talk. Who was this guy who told it? The Western sources don't want to show any argument supporting their words.


Besides that, some information makes me suspicious about this situation. 

  1. some sources quoted that Hitler was inspired by the Armenian genocide and quoted it for the holocaust. Recently, it was proven to be wrong.
  2. There is a famous picture on the internet where the officer is teasing kids with bread while they are starving. First, it was released by the Oxford Book regarding the Genocide. Later, it was proven that the picture was photoshopped, and Oxford publishers took it from some random Armenian guy.
  3. The first two countries that acknowledged the genocide are South America’s little countries, not the major powers of the west. Certainly, someone pushed those countries to accept it.


After three points, I feel like the Armenian Genocide is a political movement rather than a historical thing pushed to the world by the Armenian Diaspora.