blockchain (17)

Medet Ahmetson

OpenZeppelin in Preda programming language

This page describes porting the OpenZeppelin contracts into a PREDA model. The OpenZeppelin contracts consist of multiple parts: Library V5, Upgradeable Plugin, and Subgraph. This is the porting of some parts of version 5. The Upgradeable plugin is ported on its own later. The subgraph…

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Medet Ahmetson

Programming Language: Preda

In the middle of 2023, I joined a Preda hackathon that kicked out on 18th November 2023. I already have an interest in programming languages. So, I will use this hackathon to try out a new language. But what is Preda programming language? Official website:…

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Medet Ahmetson

Phishing by Vera token

2 August 2021 Being myself in the crypto industry and as a developer, I never thought I would be scammed. But that happened. And it happened quickly. I was using to track my wallet balance. And saw that it has 100K USD. I thought…

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Medet Ahmetson

RNB Blockchain whitepaper

9th May 2021 Generating secure random numbers is a challenging task. By fast numbers, I mean that a) predicting what the next number is impossible, and b) It generates numbers without putting them in favor of one of the stakeholders. The nature of public blockchain,…

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