Medet Ahmetson (37)

OpenZeppelin in Preda programming language

This page describes porting the OpenZeppelin contracts into a PREDA model. The OpenZeppelin contracts consist of multiple parts: Library V5, Upgradeable Plugin, and Subgraph. This is the porting of some parts of version 5. The Upgradeable plugin is ported on its own later. The subgraph…

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The Preda Guide

Preda is a programming language to write distributed intelligent contracts that can execute transactions in parallel. If you are unfamiliar with the smart contract or want to see what Preda is, look at Programming Language: Preda, where I wrote some notes about it. This page…

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Programming Language: Preda

In the middle of 2023, I joined a Preda hackathon that kicked out on 18th November 2023. I already have an interest in programming languages. So, I will use this hackathon to try out a new language. But what is Preda programming language? Official website:…

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Turkmens are descendants of Oghuzes and Persians?

Turkmen are primarily descendants of Iranian nomads who lived between the Aral Sea and the Caspian Sea. When you are learning the history of a nation, you do a comprehensive analysis of the country from all aspects: tradition, language, and anthropology. Most people who talk…

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Manva Chat

Chats GoatChat talks to the anime character. Create Photorealistic Comics Series with AI Create and visualize your stories into captivating comics using Fotor’s AI comic generator. Let AI revolutionize the way you create comics and enjoy the innovatively fast and…

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