Thoughts, Ideas worth sharing

Medet, you believe in Eternal! 
All your worries are given to him. 
Forgive people, be in the mood of vernal 
And he will take you out from grim!

 Praise the Lord, mention him in these times
 Don't be scared that you believe in God! 
If people are annoyed, it won't hurt you 
With this idea, let's start this blog!

Medet Ahmetson


Computers are the best technology for expressing and exploring our minds. The result of expressing our thoughts through computers produces structured, precise information. This information has various names: All this information has unique characteristics: the computers or software could execute the data, including the conditions.

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Medet Ahmetson

Ara leading ideas

My father wanted me to be an architect. He would bring 3ds Max, Photoshop and books that teaches those softwares. In Turkmenistan, architects earn a lot, and well respected in the society. And since childhood I was into the art, my father wanted me to…

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Medet Ahmetson

Steve Jobs is not a role-model

I use Steve Jobs' own words: "Innovations lead to the innovations". His own company, his own products don't lead to the technical innovations. When you read the history, when there are no new ideas, but a sophistication of what was built, this indicates a decline…

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Medet Ahmetson

Programming Language: Rust

Rust is a programming language designed by Mozilla Foundation. This is the notes on Rust Book. CLI applications: rustc rustup cargo cargo new <project_name> cargo build // --release for production cargo run cargo check //ensures code compiles but doesn't build the executable. fn main() {…

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